Beware: Is This Medium Writers Community a Scam?
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck...
EDIT: I realised after posting this. It’s totally a scam. The deletes on Medium weren’t deleted comments. They are deleted “USERS”. They impersonate writers after that writer has clapped your comment on their article.
I’m writing this while the sequence of events is still fresh in my mind. So fresh, I’m still pretty angry about it. I do feel it’s important to share this experience with you all and let you decide for yourself. At least you will be more informed than I was.
So, I’m not saying it is a scam, and I’m not saying it isn’t a scam. It certainly has left a bad taste in my mouth. At best, it’s poorly organised, and communication needs work.
Also, you know what they say. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck. Then it’s a fucking duck.
The story started on January the 1st, funny enough. It all started with a comment on someone’s post on Medium. Doesn’t it always?
By the way, I’m not going to be mentioning any names at this stage. It all depends on what they do next, as you will see.
So, I’ve commented on this writer’s post, which I’ve followed for some time now as I enjoy their content. He replied, saying something like, “Well said, if you want to join a community of writers from Medium. Message so and so on telegram.”
I didn’t act on this straight away, but I was intrigued, As I have been building a platform/community for writers over the past twelve months. So, I reached out a few days ago, excited to see what they had built so far, and maybe I could learn some things from them.
Here’s how that conversation went.

So, the first bit that bothered me was the sudden mention of the admin fee of $40 USD. Okay, I’ll do that, but had to wait a few days. I make the payment, and soon after, I get an email. With the shock of a subscription fee? As you can see in the conversation above, I didn’t have that. I get a little annoyed by the “can’t you get at least $40” comment. Trying to shame me into paying? What’s with the pressure tactics? Has to be done within ten hours?
So I paid $40 USD for the subscription after also ensuring it wasn’t a recurring fee, as subscriptions usually are. Did anyone else notice the comment about getting paid $30 a week as a membership bonus? I was curious about how that would work, to be honest, and the first thought popped into my head. “Pyramid Scheme”.
Then, the next email I got also had something unexpected and seemed to deviate from the previous one. The one above says, “you have to subscribed to the platform before you can access to the website.”
This email, however.
Wait, a mentorship program? Before I can even access the site that I just paid to access? Why was there no mention of a mentorship program prior to right now?
I’ll be earning $10 a week while undergoing the program? So, not $30? Okay.
”You have 10 hours to choose a mentor?” Seriously, what is with the 10 hours?
So, I chose my mentor and emailed back. I feel like I've gone this far I might as well keep going down this rabbit hole. Then at 5 o’clock in the morning, I get this.
I mean, it was pure luck I was even awake. Message “now”. Really? All this, do things now, you have 10 hours. Was getting a bit annoying. That’s probably just my issues with authority. lol. I message my mentor, and we have a bit of a chat. She sends me a form to fill out so she has information on hand. A “get to know me” card of sorts.
Wait… that’s it. I’m done. After all the talk about how I couldn’t afford the second surprise fee, no one thought to even mention that there is also a $200 mentorship fee?
I’m not saying my chosen mentor isn’t worth it, by the way. But, not only did they not communicate the signup fee, the subscription fee, and the mentorship program. A mentorship program, they suddenly said, I have to do. Before, I could get access to the website that I already paid for, but now I also have to pay for the privilege of doing said mentorship program. That they said, I have to do.
So, I sent an email to the “community” as they are referred to.
Now, to aggravate me even further. The person receiving this email told the mentor that I was complaining about their fee. The mentor then contacted me and said she would be happy to do $80. I explained to her that I was not complaining about her fee. I’m sure it’s good value, and she’s worth it. My issue is with the lack of communication from the get-go and the lack of disclosure. If they had been upfront with me, I would not have tried to even join the community in the first place, as it’s something I cannot afford right now.
I am also not surprised now that getting a refund does not look possible. I received an email from “community” to talk to “admin” regarding a refund, which I’ve done. Another email from “community” the next day.
A message from the admin, “ok. What really happened?”. As if she has not been present for the whole series of events? The lack of communication and disclosure.
One more thing that is also concerning. The initial invite from one of Medium’s leading writers was on Jan 1st. This was followed by two more invites from one other writer I do not know a few days later. These comments inviting me, were deleted shortly after. At the time, I assumed so they didn’t get the admins flooded with people wanting to join this community. Now, I’m not so sure.
Do I think this is a scam? No. Do I think it needs to be better organised and communicated? Absolutely. If you are going to take fees and charge subscriptions and charge for mentorship. You need to have policies and procedures. Full disclosure of Terms and Conditions including a refund policy.
Joining a community should not cost you, either. Certainly not in the beginning if you are trying to grow a community and platform. There are other ways to monetise to build and support your community as you grow.
I have learnt a few things from the attempt to join this community. I’m also sure, individually, I could learn some things from these writers. No hate to any that are involved, I don’t waste time on hate. I hope, as a community, they can do better.
If you want to join a free community/platform of writers supporting writers. Come join us at
You are giving them too much benefit of doubt. 100% a scam. The pressure tactics are a clear tell.